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Saturday, August 17, 2013

B2S Sale and Acknowledging TpT Sellers

Well, hellooo there...

By now, I’m sure that you have already heard that TpT is having a B2S sale tomorrow and Monday.  The best part is that some of the sellers are reducing their prices even more.  What a great way to save some mon-ay!   You just have to enter BTS13 at checkout and save up to 28% off on those wishlisted items.  

So....I thought, this would be a great time to introduce you to some of those wonderful sellers {that is, in case you haven't heard of them already}.   Now, I must first tell yah….I personally have a product or two from each of these wonderful & creative ladies...and, I love all my products!  
So, not in any particular order, I will begin presenting to you these TpT sellers....but, before I do, let me tell you that I'm only listing a few sellers.  I have many other favorite TpT sellers, but if I list them all, we'd be here all day....Having said that though....this blog is a tad long....So, make yourself a cozy little drink, put your feet up, and read on!

First, there’s Dee.  She’s from Over the MoonBow.  Her products are cute & colorful and her store is jam packed with goodies.  I love her Spot On Writing - Writing Process Displays and How We Go Home Dismissal Clip Chart.  I can't wait to use both of these products in my classroom this year!  

Then, there’s Mel over at Graphics From the Pond.  She actually has two TpT stores and you can find her either at Graphics From the Pond or at From The Pond.  Mel's products range from worksheets to clip art.  Her store is loaded!!!!   I have her Spotty Flower Badges and her Stitched Borders - Clipart Frames.  I will be putting these items to good use this year.   

Hilary from Second Grade Is Out of This World is one creative seller.  You’ll really enjoy browsing through her store;  there's too many products to choose.  I have her response journals....Yey! 

Samantha from Ms. Smarty Pants has a variety of writing activities.  She has thought of everything that's related towards writing.   I can't wait to share her Opinion/Persuasive Writing Ice Cream Common Core with my students.  

The next TpT seller that I'd like to mention is also known as the Task Card Queen.  Her task cards are UH-MAZ-ING!  Rachel Lynette from Minds in Bloom has all sorts of task cards at her store.  She recently released a handy tool called, The Task Card Handbook - Everything You Need To Know.  This e-book is a freebie and if you happen to download it, you might just end up seeing my name in a couple of her pages. I'm so honored, Rachel! Thanks....

Laura from Love to Teach is another awesome seller.  Her products are just perfect for those primary grades.  Go check out her store, but before you do, you should stop by her blog and take a peak at her cute blog design.  I just love her mini-me!  When you go to Laura's store, you'll notice that her activities cover a wide range of subjects from Language, Math, Science to Social Studies.  Laura definitely simplifies teaching and planning for us teachers!

Diane from Schoolhouse Treasures is another TpT seller that you should stop by and visit.  At her store, you'll find Scoot Games along with a variety of I Have, Who Has task cards. My students are going to have so much fun playing these games!

Next up is Kristi.  She's from Fun In First Grade and her store has a huge selection of literacy centers along with the many different math activities.  Her products are geared towards the younger grades. If you're teaching a younger grade, I'd definitely stop by her store and take advantage of the big sale.

Heather, from HoJo's Teaching Adventures, in my opinion is known to be the queen of Magic Squares.  My students LOVE love love playing Magic Squares!  Heather has Magic Squares for both Math and Language.  I highly recommend that you visit her store!  Heather's newest product is the Point of View
posters.  I can't wait to display these around my classroom!
The following two sellers are mostly geared towards middle and high school grades, but I’m sure you can find something at their store that might intrigue you for your own grade level.

Addie from Addie Education has the most cutest monster posters on Parts of Speech, Figurative Language, & Types of Sentences. These posters are definitely going to be posted around my classroom.  

Krystal from Lessons from the Middle is amazing!    Not only is she creative with her products, but she’s also kind & helpful.  You should stop by her store and take a look at her products for some inspirational ideas!  My students are going to be so engaged with her Fractions and Decimals Games & Worksheets Bundle

Well, I think, I’ve given you a MEGA list of sellers.  Now, go and start browsing their stores and wish list some of their items.  You’ll want to make use of the upcoming B2S sale!!!!   If you end up purchasing any of the items from the above mentioned sellers, won’t you please come back and tell me what you bought from them?

Have fun shopping.....I know I will!


  1. Wow, lots to look for ....thanks for all the tips! Busy this past week setting up my room. Now I need to do some planning so your post is perfect timing !

    1. It's always a pleasure to see you visit my teeny tiny blog. Thanks!
      I wish you good luck with all the planning and if you need anything, I'm only a quick shout away!

  2. Aw...the queen of Magic Squares! That totally just made my day! Thank you for the shout out!! :)

    1. You're so welcome! I love your Magic Squares! My students love your Magic Squares! They rock! You rock!
      Thanks for visiting my blog!

  3. Your site is adorable... can wait to see all that you have to offer! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I am your newest follower :)

    Granny Goes to School

    1. Oh, I'm so glad to have you come by and visit! Thanks very much! Thanks also for following me! Now, I'm one happy girl! Yey!

  4. I love, love, love your new layout! It looks fantastic!

    You've got some great sellers listed here. I'm stocking up on Rachel's task cards during tomorrow's sale! I think have about half of the collection already and I'm ready to complete it!

    Have you ever used Hink Pinks? Try typing them them in to Teachers Pay Teachers. Barb Evans has a ton of them and they are so fun to use in the classroom! She's one of my favorites!

    Mrs. O
    Mrs O Knows

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Thanks for lovin' my new look, too! Christi's work is always impressive, cute, and creative! I really like the cute colors on my page, too!

      You & your students will definitely enjoy using Rachel's task cards. If you read her e-book, in it you'll see how I use task cards in my class. (Rachel gave me a whole "blue" section in her book....I'm so honored!)

      Thanks for the tip on Hink Pinks! I will definitely search up Barb. Your timing for the advise is perfect, this way, I can take advantage of the huge TpT sale.

      Love your blog! You're doing an amazing job over there!! :-)
