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Friday, August 9, 2013

Come on Down! You're the Next Contestant On....

Oh my my….I have been nominated for the Liebster Award!  What a great honour it is to be recognized!   Just imagine, a few days ago, I was contemplating on “To Blog or Not to Blog” and now look at me.  {Let’s pause for a second and visualize me doing the Happy Dance….& can you also hear Drew Carey yelling “Najda!  Come on down!  You’re the next contestant to receive the Liebster Award?”}

For those of you who haven’t heard of the Liebster Award, let me quickly give you the details.  Basically, it’s an award that’s awarded to those blogs with less than 200 followers.  This award is to appreciate and hopefully direct more followers towards those blogs. 

To accept the award, I have to do the following:
1.       Link back to the blog that nominated me.
2.       Answer the questions posted for me by my nominator.
3.       Share 11 random facts about myself.
4.       Create 11 questions for my nominees.
5.       Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers.
6.       Contact my nominees and let them know I nominated them.
So, let’s get the “show” started……Behind Door Number 1 is the link to my nominator and she is Sandy from Elementary Expedition.
Behind Door Number 2 are the questions posted by my nominator.
1.     Which subject is your favorite to teach?
Uhhmmm…..That’s a tough one!  Can I choose two subjects?  I’m going to go with math and art.  I like math because I love working with numbers, pictures, shapes, and all the different manipulatives.  I love art because I love cutting, coloring, and creating.  Join these two subjects together and I’m in bliss. 

2.      What gets you through the day?
Every morning, I need to do a pit stop at our Canadian coffee shop, Tim Hortons.  I don’t know what it is about them, but I’m addicted to their Earl Grey teas.  So, I have to have one cup in the morning and another in the afternoon.
3.     What is your favorite inspirational quote? 

“Live as if You Were to die Tomorrow.  Learn as If You were to Live Forever.” 

                                                                                                      -Mahatma Gandhi

4.        What kind of music do you listen to?
I listen to whatever my boys are listening or singing to at the time.  I prefer mostly Selena Gomez, Justin Timberlake, and my man Pitbull.

5.        What do you do to relieve stress?
Let me think on this one…..  I like to curl up with a good book and glass of red wine or a cup of ginger honey tea.  Sometime, I even prefer just getting lost in the world of Instagram and Pinterest.
6.       What is the distance from your home to school?
The distance from my house to my school is about a 12 minute drive.  Although at times, I try & reduce the amount of time by a few minutes…..sshhh!!!!  Don’t tell that to anyone! 
7.       What other jobs have you had besides teaching?
Wow!  Where do I begin?  My first job was selling shoes……Yikes!  Dealing with peoples’ feet wasn’t my ‘cup of tea’.  I needed to move onto something much more cuter.  So, I moved on and worked at an Infant Department selling cute baby rattles, baby clothes, cribs, and cuddly toys.  Then, before becoming a teacher, I worked within the financial corporate world dealing with stocks and bonds.  Dealing with millions of dollars, the different company’s CEOs, and lawyers on a daily basis sure kept me on my toes.
8.       What are your favorite things to do in your spare time (not teacher related)?
This is a hard one to answer.  I think, reading books and scrapbooking would be high on my list and the next thing on my list would be to learn all the ins and outs of blogging. 
9.        Why did you start blogging?
I have learned so much from all the wonderful teacher bloggers out there, that I wanted to join in & be part of the friendly, kind, and caring community of teacher bloggers.     
10.        How long does it take you to get ready on school mornings?
Ha….I wake up around 6:00am in the morning and try & read all my emails off of my iPhone.  Around 6:30am, I jump in the shower.  Then, I MUST blow dry my hair before going anywhere.  Otherwise, not only do I scare myself, I also scare my own three boys.  Bwahaha……. 

So, then I do a quick time check….. 7:00am.  By now, I’m having my fingers crossed that my husband has gotten everyone’s lunches all packed and ready to go.  So, all I have to do is come down to the kitchen, grab my lunch off of the counter, and out I go. 
11.        Where did you attend college?
I went to two different colleges.  I went to York University located in Toronto, Canada and then to Niagara University located within Buffalo, New York. 
                                           Now, progressing nicely through our Game Show……
Behind Door Number 3, you’ll see the 11 random facts about myself… no specific order:
1.       I love love love McDonald’s fries.  Yes, I know it’s bad for me, but I just can’t help it.  Actually, you don’t want to know this, but I think I can easily say that I have McDonald’s at least once every other week.  (I think right about now, I just lost a few of my healthy eaters reading this post.) However, I have to admit, lately, I’ve been good and staying away from the golden arches.
2.        I have played the recorder, clarinet, violin, and the piano.  The key word here is….I HAVE played.  I think I’m a bit rusty now on all those instruments except for the piano.  I can still play the piano.
3.       I have a leopard gecko.  Well, it’s actually my son’s but, I’m the one always having to drive out to the pet store to buy live crickets so that we can feed the little lady.

4.       I love to crochet and sew.    I mostly crochet blankets.  So, as soon as I know that someone is expecting a baby, off I go, on my crochet frenzy and put together a warm cozy blanket.  I also sew.  I’ve sewn many things, like:  clothes, pillows, curtains, etc., but I don’t try and advertise my skills otherwise, I’d never get away from my sewing machine.  Here’s a funny story…..One day, my mom pays me a visit and says, “Oh, Najda, I’ve brought over some of my pants.  Could you take them in for me, since I’ve lost a bit of weight?”  Here’s little old me, thinking, “Yeah, sure.  How many pants can she own that I’d have to hem?”  Well…..take a guess!   If you guessed 10, you’re wrong.  Guess again…..20?  (By the way, I feel like we're playing the "Guess the Price" game form Price is Right).  If you guessed 20....nah, you're wrong again!  She BROUGHT  over 25 pants for me to hem and/or take in!  Wow-zah!  Sure enough, I was back at my sewing machine sitting for a few more hours than I had anticipated.
5.  As a 5'0" teenager, I've played basketball, back in the day.  Oh, ..... how I loved dribbling and shooting hoops!  I was no Harlem Globetrotter, but I was a good little Spud.


6.     Dentists scare me!   When I was 8 years old, I’ve had all of my 18 teeth pulled out.  Yup!!!!  That’s not a typo.  You read that number right.  Boy, let me tell yah……it wasn’t fun!  Those gums of mine were pretty sore!

7.       I love the Smurfs. I grew up with these little blue guys.  I wish I could have a Smurf with me right now!  You should see the look on my boys’ faces when I talk about the Smurfs.   I get all giddy.  By the way, you’ll have to stay tuned and see my Smurf project.  I can’t wait to post about it in the near future. 
8.       My favorite holiday is Christmas!   I love the spirit of giving and decorating.  I love how the malls look and feel.  I love decorating my house.  I go cray cray with the décor.  I place Christmas string lights along the base of my baseboards, then cover it up with white tulle.  Then, it gives the effect of snow.  It’s a fun season! 
 9. My dream vacation is Dubai.  I want to visit this man-made city.  I think it’s mind boggling as to how these infrastructures have come about. 
10.   I am a nut bar when it comes to organizing my closet.  I have to have all my colors coordinated.  All my blue shirts and sweaters are folded in one pile, all my black ones in one pile, all of my red ones in another pile……you get the idea.   Yes, you can call me…..freak-ey!  I just like my clothes organized so that way it looks neater and I can easily find the color I’m looking for, that’s all! This isn’t my closet, but here’s what I’m talkin’ about.

11.   This year, my school is implementing the International Baccalaureate Program and I’m extremely excited about it.  New program means new teaching lessons! 
Alright, now let’s see what’s behind Door Number 4…..Ahhh!  Questions for the Nominees:
1.       What are 3 things that are in your teacher bag?
2.       Why did you start teaching?
3.       What’s your favorite part of your classroom?
4.       What’s your biggest pet peeve?
5.       Name an accessory that you cannot live without.
6.       What is your favorite pastime or hobby?
7.       What was the last movie that you saw?
8.       Do you have a TpT store?
9.       If you could have anyone in the world to teach your class for a day, who would it be?
10.   Do you prefer sweet or salty foods?
11.   If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
And nowwww…….We have the Showcase Showdown! 
Now I’d like to nominate the following blogs for the Liebster Award.  If you like to participate, answer the questions listed above and link back.  What a great way to connect with new bloggers! 
Rachel at La Senorita Creative
So…..”Come on Down!  You’re the next contestant on the Liebster Award!”   Hope you'll accept!


  1. Thank you so much for the nomination! I am working on it now! I am so flattered that you would choose my blog. Your blog came at a great time because I had just gotten a root canal. I smiled when I read that you're not a fan of the dentist either!

    I grew up in upstate NY and spent a lot of time in Buffalo. I had a lot of friends that went to Buffalo State. We spent some of our younger days hanging out on Chippewa at all of the fun spots.

    I used to be the same way with my closets. In fact, I used to have colored hangers to match the clothes. I've given up since then, and I give you a lot of credit for our organization!

    Thanks again Najda!

    1. Congratulations on receiving the award! I'm glad that it cheered you up! As for the root canal.....Yikes! I hope you feel better real soon. Oh, I'm so glad that I'm not the only one when it comes to closet obsessions.....
      I can't wait to read your blog on the Leibster Award.

  2. Lots of fun facts !!! I have all my books arranged by colour and take some ribbing for that ......

    1. Oohhh! I like your colour coding idea. I might have to consider that the next time I re-organize my shelves. Right now, by books are in alphabetical order by author.
      Thanks for visiting my post!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks was nice to be nominated! This week has definitely been a lucky week for me - that's for sure!
      Thanks for visiting .....
