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Sunday, August 4, 2013

My Very First Blog...

Yey!!!!  This is my first blog EVER!!!  I can't believe it!  I actually really really did it!  I am so very proud of myself.  Let me tell yah though, I have been up all. night. long. trying to figure out how to set my blog up.  I think I have almost got it. I'll still tweak it as I go along.  I'm sure I've missed a few details along the way.  In the meantime, if you have any suggestions or friendly advise, I'm all ears.   I need to give credit to Julie at Leelou who has a wonderful blog with step by step  instructions on blogging.  

Let me briefly tell you a wee bit about myself.  My name is Najda Zada. I am a wife to a wonderful caring husband and a mom to three wonderful boys.  Living in Ontario, Canada, my boys love playing hockey.  So, majority of our winter evenings are spent at the hockey rinks.  Every once in a while, I might squeeze in some hockey updates.   As for teaching, this is going to be my fourth year of teaching.  In all those four years, I have been teaching grade 3.  I love third graders.  They are wonderful.

I am sure you have already figured out why my blog name is Garden Full of Knowledge, but in case you did not, it is because as teachers, we place a little seed of knowledge in every child and every child is unique like a flower.

Time check now:  4:15 a.m.  I am now going to call it a night and hope that you'll come and visit me again real soon.



  1. Congratulations Nadja, very exciting news. I look forward to reading your posts and following along ! Cheers to watching your garden bloom :)

    1. Ohhh!!!! What kind words to have received from such a sweet person like yourself. You are giving me so much hope to keep going! Thanks so much!

  2. Lots of luck to you Nadja! That is really exciting! :) Cant wait to read your postings!
    Im your newest follower

    1. Thank you so much! I'm very excited and nervous all at the same time. What an honour it is to have you following me!

  3. Starting a new blog is so exciting! Congrats on your new adventure.

    Hooty's Homeroom

    1. Thanks so much for joining in on my adventure. It is a pleasure to have you come along. I have a long learning road ahead of me and I can't wait to get started on the fun!
