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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Quick Update & a Giveaway!

Hi, hi!!!!

I am so sorry!  You must be wondering as to where I've been lately.  Well, it's a long story and I'll try to keep it realllly short.

Last week, (if you've been following me on Instagram) you knew that my middle son slightly fractured his toe. His timing couldn't have been better because the following day he was leaving for a week long overnight camping trip.  So, I rushed him over to the Emerg to see the "damages".  He ended up using a lovely little air boot to get himself around.  (Don't worry, I spoke to the Camp Director and she encouraged me that it was totally fine for him to attend the camp.  Otherwise, this over protective Mama would have held on tight to her little boy.)

Still on the topic of health.  Ladies, if you haven't had a mammogram, then maybe the next time you visit your doctor you might want to mention/consider it.  If you are a male reader, then, I urge you to remind the lovely ladies in your life to consider having a mammo.  You see, last week, I had my biopsy.  I'm still waiting for the result.  Let me tell you, this waiting is driving me insane!   This week has been draggg-ing along.   Lucky for me, I've been distracted with setting up my classroom.  {Speaking of classroom.....I will post pictures of my classroom in the near future.  I can't wait for you to see my room!}  Depending on my results, you might see less of the postings or more of the postings.  We will just have to wait and see.  

***Update:  My results are IN!!!!   It's all good.  Just a slight minor surgery needs to get scheduled in order to remove the fibro adenoma.  I can handle that.  All is good!   Yey!!!!***

On a much happier note, The Hands-On Teacher: In First is having an amazing giveaway.  Hop on over to her blog to see what you can win!   Good luck! 

Enjoy the day!  


  1. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way Nadja ! Take care ....

  2. Thank you so much! I take your kind words & thoughts with great appreciation.

  3. May you be blessed with peace of mind as you wait for news. I will include you in my prayers! ~Deb from Crafting Connections
