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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Budding Blog LinkUp

I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend.

I'm taking a quick moment to link up with Jess at I{Heart}Recess for her Budding Blog Linky.  This linky is for those bloggers who have less than 200 followers. I think I definitely qualify in that category.  All I have to do is link back to I {Heart} Recess and answer Jess' questions.

1.  Why did you start blogging?
I love love love collaborating.  I truly believe that it is through collaboration that we become better teachers.

2.  What is your favorite subject to teach and why?
Oh my!  Can I pick two?  I think I'm going to go with Math & Art.  I like math because I love working with numbers, pictures, shapes, and manipulatives. I love art because students can be creative with their work and freely express their mood through pictures and color.  

3.  Describe your teaching style.
Collaboration, Hands-On, and Gallery Walks!   I want learning to be meaningful and enjoyable.

4.  Give three interesting facts about yourself.
     1.  I am obsessed with Instagram and Pinterest.  If you follow me on either one of these sites, you'll know why.

     2.  I speak 4 languages;  English, French, Armenian, and Turkish.

     3.  Back in the day, I've played 4 instruments;  piano, violin, clarinet, and the recorder.

5.  Do you have a TpT store?  If yes, post the link.
At the moment, I do not have a TpT store.  However, it is on my Things to Do list.  Once things settle down for me, I am hoping to become a TpT seller.

Please visit I {Heart} Recess to see other bloggers with less than 200 followers.

Have a fabulous school week!

"Remember to Laugh!"


  1. Oh my word... you are so accomplished!!! Four languages and four instruments- AMAZING.

    Granny Goes to School

  2. I'm addicted to Pinterest, too! I'm definitely going to check out your boards! So glad I found your blog through the Budding Blog linky and am your newest follower. Make sure to check out my blog if you get a chance. I'm doing a giveaway this week!
    Melissa Cloud
    A Teaspoon of Teaching
