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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday WOW!

Happy Hump Day!

I am linking up with Em at Curious Firsties for her weekly linky party, where you can share something positive either within your classroom or within your personal life.

The first positive news comes from my classroom.  My students worked so hard this week in completing their Ontario Standardized Testing on Language.  I am so proud of them!  Both my students and I are also thrilled that part one of our testing is now officially over.  Part two will be held next week.  Next week's test will focus primarily on Math.  One test down and another one to go......Yey!!!

The second positive news comes from my personal life.  As you might already know, I have three boys.  They are all actively involved with hockey.  You can easily say that my home away from home is the ice rinks.  Tonight, my 12 year old had his hockey game.  I am happy to announce that they won their game.  Way to go team!!!  Here are a few pictures of my son's team.  My son's team is wearing the dark blue jersey.

Getting ready for a face-off!  

Final victory celebration!
Lastly, don't forget to check out Melisa's blog;  A Teaspoon of Teaching.  She is hosting a great giveaway over there!

Here's a question that I posted to my students on Edmodo.  What hidden symbol do you see when you look at the FedEx logo?  Any guesses?

"Remember to Laugh!"


  1. Lucky you to have testing over with....I dread EQAO and have to wait all year :(

    Congrats to you son !

  2. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing the hidden symbol in the Fed Ex logo...I'm stumped!
    Crafting Connections

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks so much for sharing my giveaway! It's for a good cause, so I'm really happy to see it being shared! Love that you have one test done and only one to go! That's happy news :)

  5. I see it I see it!!! It did take me a minute though :)

    Curious Firsties
