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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween everyone!  I don't know about you, but today was a verrrryyyyy lonnnggg day!  First, we had our school Halloween party which was then followed by a Halloween parade.  Then, in the evening, I took my sons out for some Trick-or-Treating.....IN THE RAIN!  The things we do for candy, eh!
I am linking up with Curious Firsties for their Wednesday WOW!

I'm going to make today's Wednesday WOW a quick one.  (That's because I'm exhausted and need some major shut eye.)

In Science we are learning about plants, germination, and sprouting.  In order to appreciate these concepts, we are growing our very own bean plants.  Our bean plants have finally started growing!  Every morning, as soon as my students have settled in, they take a quick peak at their plants.  They make sure that their pretend soil is moist and getting enough sunlight.  So far they are doing a great job in taking care of their plants.

That's it for now.  Oh.....I hear my bed calling my name.  Good night friends!  Have a fantabulous Friday!
Don't forget to visit Curious Firsties for more Wednesday WOW!


  1. Halloween is fun but so exhausting.....hope your weekend is calmer :)

    P.S. we have beans in our classroom right now too ;)

  2. Oh sleep!!! Sounds so nice! Enjoy a relaxing weekend! :)
