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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Synonyms, Antonyms, & Homonyms Craftivity

My students and I are extremely fortunate to have participated in Deb Hanson's Classroom Tested - Teacher & Student Approved series.  For those of you who are not familiar with this series, Deb over at Crafting Connections was so kind to send over her Synonyms, Antonyms, & Homonyms craftivity to me so that I can share it with my students.

Prior to beginning our craftivity, we first reviewed over Synonyms, Antonyms, & Homonyms.  A few of my students were having difficulty in remembering the difference between Synonyms, Antonyms, & Homonyms.  I wanted to ensure that my students had a good grasp of this concepts before working on it independently.
We quickly talked about Synonyms.  I reminded my students that the words Synonym and Same both start with the letter "S".  Thus, Synonyms can be remembered as being the Same Thing or having the Same Meaning.  
As for Antonyms, I underlined the word Ant within Antonyms.  We pretended that an ant was a small insect word within the larger word Antonym;  thus resulting in opposites - small versus large.
As you can see, in regards to Homonyms, I am not an artist.  However, lucky for me, my students were able to distinguish between my baseball bat and my flying bat.   A few of my advanced students were also eager to remind us that homo means sound;  meaning words that sound the same.
Then, using a dry-erase red marker, I underlined the "nym" in each of the words and told my students that we were going to visit the NYM Planets.  My students COULD.NOT wait to get started on this activity!

I then asked my students to take out their yellow highlighters.  As soon as I asked them to take out their highlighters, I heard "Ooohh's!" and "Oh!  This is going to be so fun!"  I don't know about your students, but my students love love LOVE using highlighters.  In this activity, Deb has 21 pairs of sentences where students are required to highlight the synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms from each sentence.  My students were right on task!   There was no stopping them!
 My students did not have any trouble following through with Deb's instructions.  Deb has thought of everything!  She not only provides a sample of the completed project, but she also provides an Answer Key. I was able to quickly assess my students' and guide them into the next step.  The next step was to color in their planets and rocket ships.  

 My students were EXTREMELY engaged!!!  A few of my students decided that they were going to add their own personal touches by drawing in their own aliens or astronauts!  What a great way to be an IB Inquirer and Thinker! Score!
Once all of the planets and rocket ships were colored in.  They were then asked to cut out their planets, rocket ships, and the 21 pairs of sentences.

Then, by referring back to Deb's sample, students glued in their planets, rocket ships, labels, and sentence strips onto black construction paper.  The following are some of the finished projects that I have displayed outside my classroom.

Overall, my students TRULY TRULY TRULY had a blast with this craftivity!!!!   This is due to the fact that Deb makes teaching and learning fun!  Her craftivities are not only engaging, but memorable!  I have received so many compliments from the teachers at my school!  Deb makes me look awesome!  Thanks Deb!   Deb is so wonderful and generous that she is giving away a copy of this craftivity to one of my amazing followers.  I highly recommend that you stop by Deb's blog and enter her fabulous giveaway!  I also suggest that you visit Deb's TpT store.  You won't be disappointed!

"Take time to Laugh each Day!"


  1. Looks like a fun activity ! I will have to check it out ....

    1. My students loved this activity! Hop on over to Deb's blog and enter her giveaway! Good luck!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you for the kind words! I am SOOOO excited to hear how well your students responded to the craftivity! I loved seeing the photos of the completed projects! They did an outstanding job!! (Sorry to delete above-I noticed a typo after I published the comment. :). )

    1. Thanks so much for everything Deb! No worries about the deletion. :-)
