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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wednesday WOW!!!

Wow-we Wow-zah!  I can't believe that it's October already!  Time sure is flyin' by!

I hope that you are all doing well!

I'm so happy that it's Hump Day because that means that I can link up with Curious Firsties for their "Wednesday WOW" linky party!

Today, we received our first batch of Pen Pal letters from Pennsylvania!   My students were BEYOND excited!  They couldn't wait to read their letters!  They wanted to know and meet their Pen Pals.  Honestly, you had to see their faces!  It was such a joy watching and hearing their excitement!

Here's a picture of their letters.  Each envelope was personalized and decorated!  How lovely are they!

When I showed my students their envelopes, all I heard were "Ooohhh's!" and "Aaahhh's!"  My students were so appreciative that someone had actually taken the time to decorate their envelopes for them.  Hearing such positive comments was truly a Wow moment for me!

That's all for now.  Thanks so much Curious Firsties for hosting such a lovely linky party!  See you all next Wednesday!
Have a great week everyone!  

"Take time to Laugh Each Day!"


  1. Oh my! That is so extremely exciting. I remember getting pen pals letters when I was a kid. I am so glad that you linked up! Thanks.

  2. What a wonderful experience for your students. If they are like mine, most ofd them have never received anything in the mail.
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher
