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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wednesday WOW!

Bonjour!  Hello!
I am first going to start off by saying Happy Thanksgiving to those that are celebrating this weekend!   Enjoy your long weekend folks!  :-)
We, Canadians on this side of the border, do not get a long weekend.  {Oh, how I would love an extra day off.}

Secondly, Deb from Crafting Connections informed me that Kayla over at Rooting for Third Grade is having a fabulous giveaway.  You only have one day left to enter her giveaway.  I suggest you hurry on over there and enter.  Good luck!

Thirdly, this Friday, November 29th, is known as Sport Day in Canada.  It is a national celebration of sports, at all levels of ability, where everyone is encouraged to wear their team jersey or if they do not play a sport, they are encouraged to wear their favorite team's jersey. My grade 3's and I will be celebrating National Jersey Day this Friday by wearing our favorite team's jerseys.  My students and I can't wait till Friday.

Thirdly, I'm linking up with Emily over at Curious Firsties for her Wednesday WOW! linky party.

Today, we had French Cafe at our school.  Our gymnasium was converted into a cafe.  Parents were invited to attend the festivities.  All the students were encouraged to speak French by taking food orders from their parents.   Everyone felt as though we were in Paris.  The whole event was such a great success.  

My second WOW! was when a parent (whose son I had taught 3 years ago) approached me and told me that her son was frantically searching the whole house for his grade 3 math workbook.  When the mom asked him as to why he needed his grade 3 math book, his response was, "Mom, I need my metric system ladder.  Mrs. Z. taught us the metric system with the steps and I need that sheet to help me out with my grade 6 math.  She helped me understand it way better!"  The mom was so touched by her son's comment that she thought I needed to know the impact I had on her son.  OH!  MY!  Let me tell yah!  I was truly touched!  I had no idea that I had such an influence.  Teaching is truly a beautiful profession.  I am so blessed!

C'est tout!  That's all!  Now, don't forget to visit Rooting for Third Grade and Curious Firsties.


  1. A French Cafe!! Oh MY!! I am so jealous. That sounds like so much fun :) I would love to come to that. But my French is limited. Thanks for linking up!


  2. What a great story you shared - about your former student...and his mother taking the time to connect with you about her son's appreciation of you and what you taught him. It warmed my heart! I's things like that that make me love what I do!
    Crafting Connections
