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Friday, December 20, 2013

Five for Friday & a Giveaway

Hello there!  Hope you have been keeping well.  I, on the other hand, have had a chest cold AND laryngitis.   I'm feeling much better now and my voice has finally come back.  (This could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you look at!)

It has surely been a long time since I have posted anything here.  I have been meaning to post, but the boys' hockey, marking, planning, and Christmas preparations have literally taken precedence over everything else.  

Well, enough said.  Let's get to Five for Friday.  I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday!  Don't forget to also enter my giveaway at the end of this post! 

1.  For our Christmas concert, my class was asked to sing and dance "Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!".   Naturally, the OCD in me had to have props for our dance.  I had each student hold a white cheerleading pompom.  I also hung a large Styrofoam snowflake around each of their necks.  (The ones that you'd find at the Dollar Tree.)  Then, I made snowflake headbands for all my little girls.

I bought the headbands at the Dollar Tree.  Originally, they had a checkered bow on them.  I pulled the bows off the headbands and hot glued two different types of snowflakes.  
2.  My students made these clothespin reindeers for their parents.  They had fun making them.  
(This craft was Pinterest inspired.  I'd be happy to give credit.  So, if this is yours, please let me know.)
 3.  Using chalk, my students made these bright and lovely holiday cards.
(This craft was Pinterest inspired.  I'd be happy to give credit.  So, if this is yours, please let me know.)

4.  I made these adorable snowman ornaments for my students.  It was "snow" easy to make!  I used Buffalo Snow to fill in the ornaments.  You can also check out Run! Miss Nelson's Got the Camera where she uses Bean Bag Fillers for her ornaments.  Thank you Run! Miss Nelson's Got the Camera for the great idea!   

 5.  We also had a visit from our local community's basketball team.  Our gymnasium was rumbling with noise as the teammates talked about the importance of staying in school, bullying, and playing basketball.  They gave out basketballs, free tickets, and bags of sport goodies. 
Before I end my post here, I must share with you something that I have recently stumbled across.  Thank you Christi from Ms. Fultz's Corner for introducing me to this AMAZING product!   
I am in love with Jamberry Nails!  I mean, this product is out of this world!!!  I don't think that I will ever go back to the old fashioned way of putting on nail polish.  
Jamberry Nails are vinyl wraps that you apply to your nails and seal them with your hair dryer.  They last for 2 to 3 weeks.  They come in 300 different designs.  I can do my nails once for about $5 and then forget about them for 2 to 3 weeks.  Except it's hard to forget because I get compliments on them wherever I go or catch myself adoring them....

I wanted to share the Jamberry love by offering you the chance to win your own.  They're still pretty new and many of the people who ask me about my nails have never heard of Jamberry.  Let me tell you, that they are missing out! 
To enter, visit Jamberry Nails, click on shop, and surf the site looking for your favourite wrap.  Then, come back here and leave a blog comment with your name, email address, and favourite design.  If I draw your name from the Rafflecopter, I'll mail you a half sheet of your favourite design (that's enough to do your nails at least once).  Easy pea-zy! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have Midnight Celebration which I am saving for New Years. I love Urban Lights and City Lights right now though too. So pretty!
    Rooting for Third Grade

  2. I don't really consider myself a "fancy nail" person, but there's some really pretty stuff there! I think I would choose "Budding Love"! Thanks for hosting this fun giveaway!
    Crafting Connections

  3. I found you through Deb's blogpost. :) I love how your snowmen ornaments turned out. I actually snuck into Miss Nelson's classroom and snagged one of her ornaments off her tree. She even let me take one with the pink ear muffs. I now have it on my tree at home and it is so cute! I checked out the Jamberry nails and I would have to say my favorite is "Midnight Celebration" too.
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  4. You've been busy. Love all of your crafts. Thanks for the shootout. I love Jam Berry. I'd be happy with any design. My favorite is black and white polka dot because I'm obsessed with polka dots.

  5. Oh my, how did I not know about these? I think I would have to go with a classic white French Tip. And I may have to let my nails grow a bit - I keep them short since I'm a bit obsessed with my iPad:)
