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Monday, December 30, 2013

The Winner is....and Teaching Blog Linky

I hope you have been enjoying your holiday thus far.  I know that I have been definitely loving the sleeping-ins and lounging around in my cozy pajamas.  What a great combination! 

I can't believe that we are about to end 2013.  How fast did this year go by?  I would like to wish all of my readers and their families a Very Healthy and Happy 2014! 

I would like to thank those of you who entered in my Half Sheet of Jamberry Nails giveaway!  The winner is.......Nikki W.  Congratulations Nikki! 
I love love LOVE Jamberry so much so that I would like to send an accent nail sample to those of you who entered my giveaway, but have never had the opportunity to try them out.  So, if you would like to try an accent sample, please leave me your email address down below. 

I'm also linking up with Simple Kinder's  Teaching Blog Linky where you get to meet and read up on wonderful teacher bloggers.  Some you might already be familiar with and some you might not.  So, go and check out some of these awesome blogs.     

 Take care!  In the meantime, I bid you peace and good health!  :-)


  1. Hi Najda! Remember me saying I wasn't really into nails and such? Well, you inspired me to give Jamberry nails a try! I ordered a set over the weekend! I'll let you know what I think! :) Happy New Year to you!
    Crafting Connections

  2. Thank you for stopping by my blog! Welcome to the blogging world! I look forward to reading your posts.

    Happy New Year,

