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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Postcards Needed for 100th Day of School Celebration!

Hello friends!
Can you believe it?!?!  I'm back for another post!

I am hoping that you might be able to help a fellow Instagram friend/follower.  You see, Mrs. Austin's kindergarten class will soon be celebrating their 100 Days of School and Mrs. Austin would like to surprise her class with 100 postcards.   What a clever & creative idea!  So, if you have a moment, Mrs. Austin would love to receive a postcard from your class.  Here's her Instagram message:
Mrs. Austin's 100 Days of School is February 7th!  This does not give us much time.  Sorry!  However, if you have a moment, and you would like to send her Kindergarten class a postcard, please leave a comment below.  On behalf of Mrs. Austin and her Kindergarten class, "Thank-you!"

This is the postcard that my grade 3's sent to Mrs. Austin. 
Have a fabulous Friday!  The weekend is finally here!  Yippee! 


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

WOW Wednesday!!!

Oh-Em-Gee!!!! My poor poor little old blog has been neglected.  I can't believe as to how time has just  flown by since the last time I posted.  Well, if it wasn't for Coast to Coast Kinder, I don't think I'd be posting for another few more weeks.  So, thank you Coast to Coast Kinder for the linky party and the invite. 

The WOW that I'm going to share with you is my chart-paper stand. 

Many of my Pinterest followers have been pinning this chart stand. So, I will now provide you with a quick step by step instruction on how to construct one of these wonderful babies. 

You will first need to purchase a standard PVC pipe from your local hardware store.  I asked one of the employees there to cut the PVC pipes for me. 

 You will need 6 of these corner gadgets. 

 Cut one large PVC pipe into 4 mini PVC pipes.  (Top picture) 
 You will also need two of the T-corner gadgets. (Pictured at bottom)


Two 46 inches long poles
four of the 26 inches long poles.


Begin to assemble.

Use ABS Cement to adhere all the pieces together. 
I spray painted my chart stand to match my classroom colour.
Now, go visit Coast to Coast Kinder and see what everyone else has been up to.   

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Five for Friday

I can't believe this!!!!  I'm actually posting AGAIN!  Someone pinch me!  But, I know, once the school hoopla begins, my blogging streak will subside. 

I'm linking with Doodle Bugs Teaching's Five for Friday linky party.   Since we are on Christmas vacay, I will post about our Christmas break rather than about school.  I'm not sure if I'm breaking any laws here, but if I am, I apologize. 

If you follow me on Instagram, then you will notice that today's post is a duplicate of all the things that I've already posted on IG. 

1.  The Ice Storm:  This year, we were hard hit with a severe ice storm.  For days, many people were left without power.  Many families ended up having their Christmas dinners in the dark. Families were bundled up in their coats, hats, and gloves while opening presents.  Outside, the trees were also trying to cope with the ice storm.  The weight of the ice on the trees were causing havoc on the branches;  trees were toppling over.  Branches were strewn all over the place; on cars, through windows, on sidewalks, & on roads.  Walking and driving became dangerous.  Drivers & pedestrians had to be vigilant wherever they went.   

The weight of the ice split this tree in half.
While the weather was frightful, the scenery later on was delightful!  Every tree looked like a crystal.  The trees were all glistening under the bright sun!


2. Scarf - My 9 year old son LOVES Loves loves to create things.  He would rather watch a video on crocheting, knitting, looming, than watch a TV show.  He would rather watch the National Geographic, than play on the PS3.  He would rather make a smoothie or pancakes, than play on his iPod.  Well, his latest creation was this gorgeous scarf.  He made this scarf using his arms.  He pretended that his arms were knitting needles and began his concoction.  Yup....I'm a proud mama!
Proud Mama wearing her scarf!

3.  Naturopath - If you've read my previous post, I'd mentioned about my pinched nerve.  Well, I must say that my pinched nerve is feeling much better.  Yesterday, I gave my naturopath a visit.  And, boy oh boy!  Did he do some wonders.  Prior to visiting any naturopath, I was one of those skeptics. I simply did not understand what was so special about a naturopathic doctor. I have been proven wrong.  I love naturopathic doctors.  I felt so revitalized today!  Even my husband thought that I had a special glow to my face.  Hmmmm....

4.  Ice Pond Hockey - Being a Canadian.....means a winter can't go by without having a good old game of outdoor hockey.  Even when there's a wind chill of -20 degrees Celsius.   

5.  Giveaway - Mrs. Olson's Lucky Little Learners is having a fabulous and unique giveaway.  I suggest you stop by her blog and enter her School Tools giveaway!  The giveaway ends soon, so hurry on over. 
Wellll.....that's about it for now.  Rest up and enjoy your weekend. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Blogging Resolution

I must be dreaming.....I can't believe that I am posting another blog.  I just posted one YESTERDAY!  How could this be???   Well, I know how....I just had to join in on Diane's New Year's Blogging Resolution linky party and try and meet at least one of my Resolutions.  

So, here is my New Year's Blogging Resolution....

I guess it's safe to say that I've already fulfilled Resolution #1.  I just hope that I will continue to do so. 

Resolution #2:  Hmmm.....taking more pictures.  I have to make a conscious effort to have my camera / iPhone in my pocket. 

Resolution #3:  I never ever think of scheduling my posts.  I always seem to post on the day a post is about to get published.  Maybe, if I schedule my posts, I would be more organized???   You think!?

Resolution #4:  Once I get my act together {cause I'm all over the place}, I'd like to host my very own linky party.  I just have to learn how to get the linky started.  LOL...

That's about it, my sweets!   You can visit Fifth in the Middle to see what other bloggers are saying about meeting their Blogging Resolutions......BUT, before you go, I should also let you know that Deb over at Crafting Connections is having one of her wonderful giveaways!  So, stop by her blog and enter her giveaway! 

 Have a wonderful day! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Happy New Year folks!  I hope your 2014 will be filled with laughter and good health!

I'm linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy, 4th Grade for her January Currently... for the very first time. :-) I love this linky and I'm super duper excited that I can finally link up.  So here it goes....

Listening:  Ha!!!  Did you think I was listening to some beautiful concerto?  Nope......I'm actually listening to (drum roll, please....)  HOCKEY!!!!   On the first day of every New Year the NHL holds a hockey game at an outdoor hockey rink and calls it the Winter Classic.  This year, it was held in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  This year's participating teams were the Detroit Red Wings against the Toronto Maple Leafs.

 Loving:  Not sure if you've heard of Jamberry Nails, but I am in total love with these wraps.  They're basically wraps that go on your nails and look like nail polish.  The best part is that they stay on for 2 to 3 weeks.  I'm also lovin' the fact that my nails are getting noticed wherever I go.  If you haven't heard of Jamberry Nails, I highly recommend that you give them a visit at and see all the wonderful designs that they have to offer.  They have a Buy 3/Get 1 Free deal, too!

Thinking:  Oh, how I keep thinking of all the school work I still need to do, but keep procrastinating.  I have to create an IB unit, edit & publish our school newspaper, and mark a math test all before the 6th of January.  I just need to keep telling myself that ..... I can do it!  I can do it!  I can do it! 

Wanting:  For the past 5 days, I've had this pinched nerve on my left shoulder.  I know, TMI.
I keep telling myself that it's old age, but I can only say that for so long.  I need to take some serious action on this matter.  Massage?  Naturopath?  Ointment?  Anything?  Something?

Needing:  I need to get myself in gear and start organizing everything around the house and the boys' hockey schedules. 

Memory / Tradition:  This year, for Christmas, my 15 year old dressed up as Santa. His little cousin wanted to sit on Santa's lap and his 2 younger brothers wanted to get in on the action.  All in all, my 15 year old truly enjoyed playing the part and is looking forward to doing it all over again next year! 

Now, don't forget to see what everyone else has been up to over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade.
Have a restful day!