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Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Happy New Year folks!  I hope your 2014 will be filled with laughter and good health!

I'm linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy, 4th Grade for her January Currently... for the very first time. :-) I love this linky and I'm super duper excited that I can finally link up.  So here it goes....

Listening:  Ha!!!  Did you think I was listening to some beautiful concerto?  Nope......I'm actually listening to (drum roll, please....)  HOCKEY!!!!   On the first day of every New Year the NHL holds a hockey game at an outdoor hockey rink and calls it the Winter Classic.  This year, it was held in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  This year's participating teams were the Detroit Red Wings against the Toronto Maple Leafs.

 Loving:  Not sure if you've heard of Jamberry Nails, but I am in total love with these wraps.  They're basically wraps that go on your nails and look like nail polish.  The best part is that they stay on for 2 to 3 weeks.  I'm also lovin' the fact that my nails are getting noticed wherever I go.  If you haven't heard of Jamberry Nails, I highly recommend that you give them a visit at and see all the wonderful designs that they have to offer.  They have a Buy 3/Get 1 Free deal, too!

Thinking:  Oh, how I keep thinking of all the school work I still need to do, but keep procrastinating.  I have to create an IB unit, edit & publish our school newspaper, and mark a math test all before the 6th of January.  I just need to keep telling myself that ..... I can do it!  I can do it!  I can do it! 

Wanting:  For the past 5 days, I've had this pinched nerve on my left shoulder.  I know, TMI.
I keep telling myself that it's old age, but I can only say that for so long.  I need to take some serious action on this matter.  Massage?  Naturopath?  Ointment?  Anything?  Something?

Needing:  I need to get myself in gear and start organizing everything around the house and the boys' hockey schedules. 

Memory / Tradition:  This year, for Christmas, my 15 year old dressed up as Santa. His little cousin wanted to sit on Santa's lap and his 2 younger brothers wanted to get in on the action.  All in all, my 15 year old truly enjoyed playing the part and is looking forward to doing it all over again next year! 

Now, don't forget to see what everyone else has been up to over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade.
Have a restful day! 


  1. I've heard of Jamberry nails, but have never tried them! They sound great!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  2. That is the cutest picture ever! I love that your son is willing to play Santa…what a good sport! Good luck with the pinched nerve, organizing, and hockey schedule. I have no advise to offer, sorry. :(
    I'm so happy to find you through Farley…I'm your newest follower. Happy New Year!

    Read With Me ABC

  3. I'm really wanting to try Jamberry nails! They look so neat!!

    1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :-)

      I am addicted to Jamberry. If you like, I can send you an accent sample for you to try via snail mail. You can send me your full mailing address to


  4. I happened to come across the hockey class this afternoon while I was searching for the WI Badger football game. Looked pretty cold and snowy!

    I love the pic of your son - aka Santa! How fun!

    Hope your shoulder is better soon.

    Learning in the Little Apple

    1. Sorry - hockey classic! I guess I'm getting back into school mode - thinking of my class!
