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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

WOW Wednesday!!!

Oh-Em-Gee!!!! My poor poor little old blog has been neglected.  I can't believe as to how time has just  flown by since the last time I posted.  Well, if it wasn't for Coast to Coast Kinder, I don't think I'd be posting for another few more weeks.  So, thank you Coast to Coast Kinder for the linky party and the invite. 

The WOW that I'm going to share with you is my chart-paper stand. 

Many of my Pinterest followers have been pinning this chart stand. So, I will now provide you with a quick step by step instruction on how to construct one of these wonderful babies. 

You will first need to purchase a standard PVC pipe from your local hardware store.  I asked one of the employees there to cut the PVC pipes for me. 

 You will need 6 of these corner gadgets. 

 Cut one large PVC pipe into 4 mini PVC pipes.  (Top picture) 
 You will also need two of the T-corner gadgets. (Pictured at bottom)


Two 46 inches long poles
four of the 26 inches long poles.


Begin to assemble.

Use ABS Cement to adhere all the pieces together. 
I spray painted my chart stand to match my classroom colour.
Now, go visit Coast to Coast Kinder and see what everyone else has been up to.   


  1. Thanks for linking up!! My brother made me one of these too!! Mine was plain white(with the writing) until I put zebra duct tape on it!

    1. Ohhh! I like the duct tape idea! Very clever! Thanks for stopping by!
