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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Blogs to Check Out!

Oh my my!  Where have I been?  I just looked at my previous post and realized that I hadn't posted anything for over a month!  A MONTH, I say!!!!  Really???  How can this be you might ask!   Wellllll, I've been meaning to post, but obviously things have gotten in the way, such as:  my nasty chest cold, report cards, parent/teacher conferences, IB units, and hockey!  Well, enough said.  I'm back!  Ha!

Actually, today's post is a quick one.

First, Deb over at Crafting Connections is having a Pin It to Win It Giveaway.  All you have to do is visit her TpT store and Pin one of her products to your Pinterest boards.  Then, come back to her blog and paste the URL onto the Rafflecopter.  Deb is so generous that she's letting you do this up to three times A DAY.  You better hurry though!  This giveaway ends on Sunday 9PM CST!   You do not want to miss out on this giveaway!  Deb's products are out of this world!

Lastly, Jessica over at Ideas By Jivey is having a major giveaway!  She's not only celebrating the fact that she has 1500 followers on Bloglovin', but she's also celebrating her birthday!  Wow!!!!  1500 followers!  What an amazing accomplishment!  Congratulations & Happy Birthday Jessica!  

I am so honored to be part of Jessica's giveaway!  Go and visit her blog and see what my contribution to her giveaway is!  Go now because her giveaway ends tomorrow, also!

Good luck to all!

My Spring Break ends tomorrow!  Boo hoo hoo!  I can't believe how fast this week flew by for me!  When's your Spring Break?  What do you do for fun during your Spring Break!

Laugh a Day!

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