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Monday, May 25, 2015

Summer Link-Up - My Summer Goals!

Well, hello there!
Glad to have you stop by!

I'm linking up with Monica over at I Heart Grade 3 for her Weekly Summer Link-Up!

This week's topic focuses on My Goals for the Summer.  

Hmmm!   My goals for the summer tend to be growing by the minute.  So, I'll choose my top four goals from my ever growing list of things to do.  
graphics by TeacherKarma

I would like to take up some form of exercise.  So, the simplest form of exercise for me would be to walk.  I am hoping that I can start off with a 20 minute walk each night and increase to 45 minutes of walk by the end of summer.  Would you like to join in?  We can share our walking goals with one another.   
  graphics by Ashley Hughes and Creative Clips
graphics by TeacherKarma

I always have good intentions to blog, but life just gets in the way.  So, I am hoping that by joining Monica's weekly linky party, I will be able to blog a wee bit more.  Thank you Monica for hosting a great linky party! 

graphics by TeacherKarma

Over the summer, I hope to be able to create and add a few more products to my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  I have a growing list of things to create, so I am excited in getting started!  
graphics from Whimsy Clips, Creative Clips, and Ashley Hughes
graphics by TeacherKarma

I am also hoping that I might be able to squeeze in some pleasure reading over the summer.  One of the books that I am hoping to read is the book that my son is now reading in his grade 11 English class.  The book that they are reading in class is The Orenda by Josheph Boyden .  My son recommends this books, so I am hoping that I will be able to find some down time in order to be able to squeeze in a good read.  
graphics from Creative Clips, ReviDevi, and Ashley Hughes

I think I have my work cut out for me.  What are your summer plans?  


  1. Hi Nadja!

    Thank you so much for participating in my very first Linky Party and the wonderful shout outs!!

    Good luck with your walking schedule! I started running (again) with an app called Personal Running Trainer. It's an 8 week interval training program (if you use the program 3 times a week) that will help me run a 5km route "comfortably". So far, there isn't anything comfortable about it... but my mantra is "no pain no gain" so I figure I must be doing something right!

    Hopefully you will be able to continue linking up throughout the summer!


  2. Looks like we have some similar goals. Reading and blogging are two of my big ones for me this summer too. I really enjoy both but I seem to lose time during the school year craziness.
    Best of luck on meeting all your summer goals!

    The Chalkboard Garden

  3. Great goals for the summer!

    Maren @ Malimo Mode

  4. Found you through the linky. What great goals. Good luck to you and enjoy your summer!
