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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Weekly Link-Up and Music Teacher Giveaway

Hello there,

I hope you are enjoying the warm weather out there.  I love this weather.  It's not too hot and it's not too cold; it's just right.  I love going out on duty when the weather is like this.  I just wish that the weather would stay like this forrrr-ev-ah!  (As you can see, I'm still at school.  We are almost at the home stretch though; our school ends in 5 days!)  Did your school end?  Or, are you chugging along with me?  We can do it!  

I am linking up with Miss Monica over at I Heart Grade 3 for her 
Weekly Summer Link-Up. 
This week's topic is about one item that means the world to me.  
This topic made me think, and thiNK, and THINK some more.. I honestly couldn't narrow it down to one single item.  I have so many items that mean the world to me.    The most obvious one being my 3 boys, my husband, then, followed by my mom, dad, brother and his family.  
I also cherish all of the wonderful handmade gifts that my boys have made over the years.  
Most importantly, I love recording my son's voices as they grow up.  (For some reason, their voices are getting deeper and deeper and they are doing a fabulous job of fooling moi on the phone.)

I can just go on and on with this topic because I have so many sentimental items.  Each one with its' own special little story; but I really need to narrow it down to one single item.

My grandfather's sewing machine. 
Back in the day, my grandfather (my dad's dad) was a tailor.
He gave me his sewing machine because he knew I loved to sew.

Since I love sewing so much, my grandmother (my mom's mom) also gave me her sewing machine!  
I now have 2 antique sewing machines.
What is the one item that means the world to you? 
Is it sentimental?  Is it a one-of-a-kind?  
I would love to hear about it. 

Lastly, there is an amazing giveaway happening over at Fabulous Freebies for Teachers.  The giveaway is geared towards Music Teachers and I have donated one of my Music products.   So, if you know of any Music Teachers, please tell them to stop by here and enter!  

Good luck!

Don't forget to stop by I Heart Grade 3 and see what everyone's special item is! 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Week 2 - Why I Started Blogging

I'm linking up with Monica over at I Heart Grade 3 for her Weekly Summer Link-Up.  This week's topic is Why I Started Blogging.
When I was in Teacher's College, one of our course requirements was how to blog. We were assessed on our creativity, content, and color.  We had to add visuals to our blogs.  We had to make sure that our blogs were interactive. We had to have links that directed parents and students to other educational websites.  We also had to comment on each other's blogs.  I truly enjoyed that course!  It was a hands-on and engaging course!  However, once the course was over and done with, my blog was neglected and forgotten.  

Fast forward to the following summer.

That summer, I was perusing through Pinterest and I came across all these wonderful and collaborative educators...
I was amazed by all their creativity.  
I was inspired by their talents.
I was motivated by their teaching passion.  

Reading everyone's educational blogs inspired me to also be a part of this wonderful collaborative world.
And, thanks to my course, I felt confident that I would be able to take an a new venture.  Thus, my blog was born.

Do you blog?  What inspired you to blog?