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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tips on How to Broadcast on Periscope!

Have you joined the Periscope craze yet?  
Have you been watching all the wonderful broadcasts that are happening on Periscope?  
Do you want to post a broadcast, but not sure as to how or where to get started?

Before I go any further, if you are unfamiliar with Periscope and are just joining in on the Periscope fun, then you also might want to read this post. 

I have been watching wonderful teacher Periscopers for the past week or so.
I have learned so much from these teachers.
 These teachers inspire me with their quick tips and tricks.
I also love how these teachers are just full of energy and great ideas!

I have also been watching
 3 amazing Periscope gurus.

 The 3 gurus that I definitely recommend that you follow are:
Kim Garst, March Shaw, and Jess Fozard

In case you have missed their broadcasts, 
here's a comprised list of their tips and tricks.

Before you broadcast, make sure that your device is fully charged.  
You would not want to be in the middle of a broadcast and 
get disconnected from your viewers.
When you flip the camera over to yourself, make sure that you are situated over the hearts, rather than over the comments.  If you have too many comments being made by your viewers, your face will not be seen. 
Also, position yourself so that your face is near the top of your screen; not at the bottom of your screen.  
The bottom is taken up by those lovely comments and hearts.  
Remember to give your broadcast a title.  
You want your title to be inviting, interesting, and intriguing.
Use emojis, but don't go overboard with them.  Use them in moderation.
This is a preference thing.  
If you do not wish to have your location known, then 
go to your Settings and turn this feature off.
Prior to your broadcast, make sure that you have everything
 that you need with you. 
This includes a list of things that you are going to talk about, including your notes.
Also, for example, if your broadcast is about saving files, then make sure that you have the files that you want to share with your viewers all open and ready to go.  
Viewers do not have time to wait for you.  
You do not need a high tech stand to broadcast.
 Just make sure that you place your device somewhere stable.  
If you end up holding your device, remember that you need to have a steady hand.  
Take note of your surroundings.  
Is it noisy?  Is it windy?  
Will my audience hear me?
Is the lighting too bright or too dark? 
Will my audience be able to see me?
What's behind me? 
Will my audience be distracted?
When you go live, give yourself about a minute before you begin your actual show.  
This will allow people to join in and not miss out on your broadcast.  
However, in the meantime, do not stay silent.  
If you are silent for too long, then you might end up losing your audience.
Keep in mind, that you can easily lose viewers during replays when you are quiet.  
Therefore, greet your viewers.  Take the time to welcome your viewers individually.  
Give each of them a shout out.
Acknowledge them.
Thank them for stopping by.
Prior to beginning your show, have a theme song in the background or
post a quote or
post your TpT or blog logo or
post a picture of your pet.
Make it you! 
Once everyone has joined in, introduce yourself.  Tell them who you are.  
Without giving too many details away, 
hook your audience and
get them excited to be there. 
Repeat your introduction throughout your broadcast for those joining in late. 
Just don't over do it.  
Explain and remind viewers to tap the screen to give you hearts.  
Remind viewers to invite their followers to your broadcast.
Remind viewers to share your broadcast.
Do this in moderation!
Interact with your audience.  Engage with your audience.
As Mark Shaw stated, "This is not YouTube!"
 Answer their questions.
Respond to their comments.
 Communicate with them.
Ask a question to your audience.  Have them respond to you with 
a unique word or an emoji.
For example, Mark Shaw will say something along the lines like,
 "If you are here for the first time, then let me know by giving me the word CUPCAKE in your comments!"
Kim Garst will say,
"If this is your first time here, then type in the word,
BOOM in the comments!"
You can even ask your audience to give you a specific type of emoji. 
Make your word or emoji unique.  Let it be a reflection of you.
Be energetic with your scope.  Be passionate about your topic.  
Be full of energy when broadcasting!
Remind your audience and yourself to block off inappropriate comments during your broadcast.
Remind your audience to tap on the inappropriate comments, by first 
tapping on View Profile, and then to
tap on Block User.
Easy Peasy!
This is totally optional.
To engage your audience or to brand your broadcasts, you can host a giveaway.
 For example:
a) The person that has a specific color of hearts. wins.
b) The person that gives the most hearts, wins.
c) The person with the most comments wins.
This is KEY!
You must think of your audience.  What does your audience want to see and hear from you?
What will they be interested in?
How will you engage them?
You need good, quality content for your broadcast.
Do not be an Egghead. Add a picture to your profile.
Followers want to see who you are.
You want your audience to trust you and build a relationship with you.
By the end of your broadcast, you want to be able to direct 
your audience to one of your sites, 
be it to your TpT store, blog, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.    
Have fun with your broadcast.
Be authentic.  Be yourself.
Say a joke or a riddle.  
You want your audience to get to know you and trust you. 
This last tip does not pertain to you as a broadcaster, 
rather it pertains to you as an audience member.
In order to build relationships and followers, you should try and leave comments often.
  When you comment, other followers will see you in the comments section.
  They will build a sense of who you are.  They will get to know you.  
They will interact with you within the broadcast itself.  
They will then maybe tap on your comment, and easily follow you. 

There you have it! 
If I have missed any tips & tricks, won't you please leave a comment below?

Overall, Periscoping is much like writing a story.
We teach our students to write a story using the hamburger method. 
Prior to writing their stories, we teach students: 
to brainstorm their ideas
to have a title
to have an introduction
to support their ideas
and to end with a conclusion

These concepts can easily be applied to Periscope. 
Keeping these concepts in mind will make Periscoping fun & easy.

If you miss someone's broadcast and they are signed up with, 
you can watch their replay online. 
Once there, you can click on followers, fast forward, and rewind.
To view praticular broadcast, type - forward slash - broadcaster's name

Enjoy Scoping!  
You can catch me @gardenfullof
See you there!

1 comment:

  1. I so love this!!!! I've been missing so many because I'm already back at work!!! Thank you and great tips!
