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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Quick Assessment

Hello there!

I'm linking up with Erin from Mrs. Beattie's Classroom for her Teacher Tips Tuesday linky.  Thanks Erin for hosting!

From time to time, I have my students show me their learning on plastic plates.  
My students love writing on plastic plates.  
Plastic plates just engage every single student; even the reluctant ones.   

There are a variety of ways that you can use plastic plates, however one way that I use plastic plates is to project my questions or task cards onto the screen. 
Students respond to the questions onto their plates with a dry-erase marker.  
Once they are done responding,
they hold up their plates for me to quickly see and assess.
If I notice that students are having difficulty with a certain question,
then it immediately becomes a teachable moment. 

What quick and engaging assessment strategies do you use? 

Thanks Erin for a great linky! 

Have a great school week!


Monday, April 11, 2016

Report Card - Stress Relief

Do you cringe at the thought of writing report cards? 
Do you try and tackle other household tasks instead of buckling down and
writing those lovely report cards?
Do you forewarn your family members in advance by telling them that you will be out of
commission, as their caregiver, for the next few hours days? 
Do you worry that your comments might contain spelling or grammar mistakes?

Well, put those fears and excuses aside. 
I have some great news for you!

Sidney from Teaching is a Gift recommended that I give Student Evaluator a try.
OH MY WORD!  Am I glad that I did!
This website is just ah-maz-ing!
Not only is it a user friendly website, but it also instantly creates these
wonderfully worded, personalized,
comments for your Learning Skills within minutes.  Yes, .... within minutes!

Now, I must let you know that there is a teeny-tiny cost to being able to use 
this website, but it is totally well worth it. 
Your sanity and your time are much more valuable! 

Once I was signed in,
I was asked to enter in my student's name. 
Then, I was provided with a list of Learning Skills.
All I had to do was click on the skills that described that particular student.
Then, once you click on Generate Report,
you get this lovely personalized comment.
The best part is that there are no grammar, punctuation, or spelling mistakes.
It's a perfect comment.
If you do not like the comment that has been generated for you,
no worries!
Just simply click on regenerate and it will give you another perfect comment.
Furthermore, you can add or delete sentences or words to make it even more unique!

The website also provides you with the different Learning Skills posters.  
You can easily print, laminate, and post these posters around your classroom. 
What a great way to remind students of the tasks that you will be reporting on. 

Student Evaluator is perfect!  So perfect that, after my first submission, 
my administrator did not require me to make any further changes or corrections.
Which meant that I did not have to spend MY valuable
time on further corrections or touch-ups.
My reports were simply DONE, the first time around!

I definitely recommend Student Evaluator
It reduces your stress level!
It gives you your life back!
It makes report card writing fun; not a chore!

I cannot wait for the next round of report card writing!
Bring it on....!

What do you think....
will you give Student Evaluator a try?

note:  This website is geared towards Canadian teachers,
but I'm sure that it can be utilized and tweaked by all teachers!