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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Quick Assessment

Hello there!

I'm linking up with Erin from Mrs. Beattie's Classroom for her Teacher Tips Tuesday linky.  Thanks Erin for hosting!

From time to time, I have my students show me their learning on plastic plates.  
My students love writing on plastic plates.  
Plastic plates just engage every single student; even the reluctant ones.   

There are a variety of ways that you can use plastic plates, however one way that I use plastic plates is to project my questions or task cards onto the screen. 
Students respond to the questions onto their plates with a dry-erase marker.  
Once they are done responding,
they hold up their plates for me to quickly see and assess.
If I notice that students are having difficulty with a certain question,
then it immediately becomes a teachable moment. 

What quick and engaging assessment strategies do you use? 

Thanks Erin for a great linky! 

Have a great school week!



  1. I absolutely love this idea, Najda! I bet they stay cleaner than my whiteboards, too! Thanks for linking up! :)

    Mrs. Beattie’s Classroom

  2. What a great alternative to pricey whiteboards. Can't wait to share this at my school
